Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services
- Phase 1 – Prelims examination is of objective type.
- Phase 2 – Mains exam is of written type.
- Phase 3 – Interview
Note: There is No Negative marking.
Phase 1 – Preliminary Examination
You will face the Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services preliminary exam first which is an objective test of 150 Marks. The question will be based on the following subjects:
- Code of Civil Procedure
- Transfer of Property Act
- Indian Contract Act
- Specific Relief Act
- Limitation Act
- M.P Accommodation Control Act ,1961
- M.P Land Revenue Code
- Indian Evidence Act
- Indian Penal Code
- Criminal Procedure Code
- Negotiable Instrument Act
- General Knowledge
- Computer
- English
Phase 2 – Mains Examination
The exam is conducted under the four papers:
Paper I (100 Marks)
It will include the following topics:
- Constitution of India
- Code of Civil Procedure
- Transfer of Property Act
- Indian Contract Act
- Specific Relief Act
- Limitation Act
Paper -II (100 Marks)
- Essay- Social Issue (max. 150 words)-30M
- Essay- Legal Issue (max. 150 words)-20M
- Precise Writing-20M
- Summary Writing {Legal in Hindi}-15M
- Summary Writing {Legal in English}-15M
Paper III (100 Marks)
You will be asked the question based on the following:
- M.P. Accomodation Control Act,1961
- M.P.Land Revenue Code
- Indian Evidence Code
- Indian Penal Code
- Criminal Procedure Code
- Negotiable Instrument Act
Paper IV (100 Marks)
- Order/Judgment writing in Criminal case
- Order/Judgment writing in Civil case
- Framing of Charges
- Settlement of Issue
NOTE: Minimum marks are 40% in each written paper and aggregate of 50% to qualify for the interview. Relaxation of 5% each has been made for SC/ST/PWD.
Phase 3 – Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services Interview
The interview will carry 25 Marks